

聲援行動起始于2012年5月2日 The action begins on 2.5.2012


Dear Sir or Madam,
attached to this email you find a letter fromLiao Yiwu concerning the case of Li Bifeng. If you support the appeal towithdraw the charges against him, please write to us. We would appreciate ifyou could write a few lines of solidarity as well. You will then be included ina list of supporters - among them Herta Müller and numerous Chinese poets,which will be published on May 3rd. This has to be so soon, as the trial willalready take place on May 8th. Special thanks for your engagement!
Warmest regards,Ulrich Schreiber

連 此電子郵件,您將收到一封廖亦武親擬的一篇關於李必豐的文稿。如果您支持這項呼籲,要求官方撤回對他的指控,請給我們囘信,我們將不勝感激。如果您能夠寫 下幾行呼喚團結的話語。您將被列入名單的支持者 – 名單包括赫塔·穆勒和眾多中國詩人,這份名單將於5月3日公佈。這次行動必須以最快速度進行,因爲李必豐開庭審判已定于5月8日舉行。特此感謝您的參與! 烏裏•帥伯

Until May3rd, 2012 there are already 37 authors and poets from all over the world whohave signed the appeal. The announcement of this list is being translated intoChinese and will be shortly completed.

1..聯署時間: 2. Mai 2012 09:37
雅絲明•艾•嬈茜迪Yasmine El Rashidi——作家,前《華盛頓郵報》中東駐派記者,著有《為埃及而戰》,埃及開羅, a former Middle East correspondent for TheWall Street Journal, has written for The Washington Post, “The Battle for Egypt”was published in May. She lives in Cairo.

Please consider this noteconfirmation of my support. The act of withdrawing the charges against LiBifeng reflects strength and courage, and I hope the authorities will riseabove their paranoia and fears and exhibit the qualities of true leaders.

2.聯署時間:2. Mai2012 19:15
拉思•古斯塔弗松LarsGustafsson(生於1936年)一位瑞典詩人、小説家、學者 (born May 17, 1936) is a Swedishpoet, novelist and scholar

I agree completely with yours and the colleague sprotests in this matter.
3.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 18:59
阿圖爾•貝克Artur Becker——波蘭德裔人,作家,居住德國 the author lives today in Germany.
ich unterschreibe auch!
4.聯署時間:2.Mai 2012 15:56
聖保羅林斯Paulo Lins——(生於1958年,里約熱內盧)是巴西的作家著有《城市之神》的城市(born 1958, Rio de Janeiro) is a Brazilian author. He published his novel City of God in 1997

Eu apoio que tire as acusações!

5.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 15:17
沃爾夫•比爾曼Wolf Biermann—— (1936年11月15日出生在漢堡)是歌唱家、作曲家、前東德持不同政見者。Wolf Biermann (born 15November 1936 in Hamburg) is a German singer-songwriter and former East Germandissident.

wolf biermann unterschreibt den appellvon liao yiwu für li bifeng.
Ich auch,

6.聯署時間:2. Mai2012 15:16
漢斯•克里斯多夫•佈赫Hans Christoph Buch——(1944年4月13日出生在韋茨拉爾)是德國作家和記者 (* 13. April 1944 in Wetzlar) ist eindeutscher Schriftsteller und Journalist.

ich unterschreibe!

7.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 14:52
薩巴•湊安Sabah Zouein——是一位阿拉伯語系的現代女詩人。She writes ontemporary poetry,Arabic

Of course, I support thisappeal. My name is SABAH ZOUEIN from LEBANON (poetess). In a few lines i could say, as you are asking me towrite some words : " I am signingthis appeal, because I believe in our human freedom and liberty. I believe thatour dignity as humans can be respected only when we are living our pure freedom".

8.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 14:44
亨克•苯雷夫Henk Bernlef——(1937年1月14日出生)是荷蘭作家,作詞家,小說家和翻譯.(born 14 January 1937) is a Dutch writer,lyricist, novelist and translator

I support the appeal!

9.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 14:40
安妮·瓦爾德曼AnneWaldman——(出生,1945年4月2日)是美國詩人。自1960年以來,瓦爾德曼一直是“先驅者”實驗詩歌社區的積極成員, 她是一個作家,表演者,合作者,教授,編輯,學者,文化/政治活動家。 (born April 2,1945) is an American poet. Since the 1960s, Waldman has been an active memberof the “Outrider” experimental poetry community as a writer, performer,collaborator, professor, editor, scholar, and cultural/political activist

I support the appeal to withdraw charges against Li Bifeng, an importantwriter and intellectual whose “voice” and work is valued in the internationalllterary community. This is an urgent request.

10.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 14:40
諾 曼•曼内亞Norman Manea——(生於1936年7月19日)是羅馬尼亞一個猶太作家和作者的短篇小說,小說,以及有關猶太人浩劫的文章 (born July19, 1936) is a Jewish Romanian writer and author of short fiction, novels, andessays about the Holocaust

Yes, I sign

11.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 13:49
柯透•娃貝惹Keto von Waberer——(出生在奧格斯堡,1942年2月24日)是德國建築師和作家
 Keto von Waberer (* 24. Februar 1942 in Augsburg) isa German author and architect.

Withdraw the charges againstLi Bifeng immediately. A great writershould be allowed to speak. In solidarity.

12.聯署時間:2.Mai 2012 13:37
文 阿雪樓夫•庫普洋諾夫Wjatscheslaw Kuprijanow——出生於1939,新西伯利亞,主修習數學和語言學,作家,翻譯家,住在莫斯科,俄羅斯和塞爾維亞作家協會的成員,也是國際筆會成 員。Born in 1939 in Novosibirsk, studiedmathematics and linguistics, author and translator, lives in Moscow, a memberof the Russian and the Serbian Writers' Association and a member of the PEN

ich mache mit, bitte -

13.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 13:37
沃爾夫岡•叟夫斯基Wolfgang Sofsky——(生於1952年凱澤斯勞滕)是德國社會學家,作家,散文家(* 1952 inKaiserslautern) is a German sociologist, author and essayist

ich unterstütze nachdrücklichden Aufruf von Liao Yiwu zugunsten von Li Bifeng und verlange dieNiederschlagung der Anklage sowie die sofortige Freilassung Li Bifengs.

14.聯署時間:2.Mai 2012 12:52
阿 爾貝托•曼古耶AlbertoManguel——(1948年出生於布宜諾斯艾利斯)是阿根廷出生的作家,翻譯和編輯。(born 1948 in Buenos Aires) is anArgentine-born writer, translator, and editor.

You have all my support, even though I know that my words can help verylittle. There is perhaps some consolation in the knowledge that you are on theside of justice, and that every persecuted poet, from our first ancestorsonwards, cheers you on. You are our proud example. With admiration and sympathy!

15.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 12:08
馬德琳•添Madeleine Thien——1974年出生於溫哥華不列顛哥倫比亞省,加拿大的短篇故事作家和小説家。(born 1974) She is a Canadian short story writer and novelist.

thank you so much for sendingthis to me.
I stand in solidarity withLiao Yiwu and ask the Chinese government to withdraw all charges against LiBifeng and to release him from detention. The free, unhindered voice of a poetand writer is not a threat to the harmony of the country, but a symbol of thenation's strength and stability.
Please let me know if I canhelp in any other way.
very warmest,

16.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 12:22
西 古德松Sjón——(生於1962年8月27日),被稱為Sjón,是一位國際知名的冰島作家和詩人 (born 27August 1962), known as Sjón , is an internationally known Icelandic author andpoet.
count me in! Allthe very best from Reykjavik!

17.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 12:10
詹恩•忒蕾兒Janne Teller——(4月8日1964年在哥本哈根出生)是一位丹麥作家。(born 8 April 1964 in Copenhagen) is a Danish writer

Dearuli, as always, please count me in.
Herzlichst, janne

18.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 11:53
彼得·斯塔姆Peter Stamm——(出生於1963年1月18日木斯特林根,)是瑞士作家。(born January 18, 1963 inMünsterlingen) is a Swiss writer.

ich unterstützte den aufruf gern. leider bin ich auf dem sprung und habekeine zeit, etwas zu schreiben, aber wenigstens meinen namen kann ich geben.
herzliche grüsse

19.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 12:18
法 拉傑•沙寇亦Faraj Sarkohi(出生於1947年11月3日在設拉子)是伊朗的文學評論家和記者。他是在伊朗雜誌“Adineh“的創始人之一和編輯。 (Born 3November 1947 in Shiraz) is an Iranian literary critic and journalist. He wascofounder and editor in chief of the Iranian magazine Adineh.

Thank you verymuch for your email.Iwould like to asked you to add my name too

20.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 12:09
米爾恰•差塔瑞斯庫Mircea Cărtărescu——(1956年6月1日出生)羅馬尼亞詩人,小說家和散文家。(born 1 June 1956) is a Romanian poet, novelist and essayist.

Thank you for your kindmessage.
I am very aware of theshameful and outrageous situation provoked by the Chinese authorities and thatis why I would kindly ask you to include my name on the list of the supportersof the Chinese dissident.

21.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 12:09
克 莉絲塔•修恩可Christa Schuenke——生於1948年10月30日,魏瑪,自由專職英德語雙向文學翻譯。Born on October 30th, 1948 in Weimar, active since 1981 as afree and full-time literary translator, English-German.

herzlichen Dankfür die Übermittlung des Briefes von Liai Yiwu. Ich bitte Sie, meinen Namen aufdie Liste der Unterstützer zu setzen, und wenn es eine Anlage mitSolidaritätsadressen geben sollte, wäre ich auch gern bereit, dazu meinScherflein beizutragen.

22.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 11:51
普 黎亞•芭玆悠Priya Basil——出生於倫敦。普里亞創辦“促進和平作者協會”。以這個平台,作家可以積極地用不同的方式促進和平的文學。Priya Basilwas born in London.  She founded Authors for Peace. It is intended to be a platform from which authors can actively useliterature in different ways to promote peace.

23.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 11:54
彼得·斯蒂芬•雍克Peter Stephan Jungk ——(生於12月19日,1952年,加利福尼亞州聖莫尼卡)是奧地利,德國,美國作家 (December 19,1952 in Santa Monica, California) He is an Austrian-German-American writer

natürlich möchte ich unterschreiben!

24.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 11:56
克 里斯蒂安•濃迪克Christiane Neudecker——(1974年3月16日出生在埃爾蘭根)是德國電影導演和作家。(born 16 March 1974 in Erlangen) She is aGerman film director and writer.

bitte fügen Siemich unbedingt zur Liste der Appeal-Supporter hinzu.

25.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 16:16
喬 恩•唐納Jörn Donner——(1933年2月5日出生在芬蘭赫爾辛基)芬蘭作家,導演,演員,製片人,政治家,芬蘭電影資料館的創始人。 (born 5 February 1933 in Helsinki, Finland) isa Finnish writer, film director, actor, producer, politician, founder ofFinnish Film Archive.

Gerne dabei.

26.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 22:09
斯 瑞籐•吳格瑞赤Sreten Ugričić ——(*1961年在南斯拉夫)是塞爾維亞的作家,是從2001年到20 2012年1月在貝爾格萊德的塞爾維亞國家圖書館的負責人。(* 1961 in Yugoslavia) is a Serbian writer and was from 2001 to 20January 2012 Head of the Serbian National Library in Belgrade.

please add my nameto the list of support and solidarity for Li Bifeng.

27.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 22:01
法蘭茜絲卡•哈任恩Franziska von Haaren

Sehr geehrter HerrSchreiber,
ich bin eine 22Jahre alte Studentin aus Heidelberg, leite eine a.i. Gruppe, die sich mit derMenschenrechtssituation in China befasst und war am 20. März auf derVeranstaltung für Liu Xiaobo.
 Ich möchte Liao Yiwus Appell deutlichunterstützen und solidarisiere mich in vollem Umfang mit Li Bifeng. Es ist sofurchtbar mit anzusehen, wie dieses Regime Meinungsfreiheit und individuelle,künstlerische Ausdrucksformen, die sich gegen den Staat richten, systematischunterdrück und das Leben ihrer Urheber regelrecht "verpfuscht",zerstört und raubt. Gerade diesen Menschen gehört mein aller, aller größterRespekt und ich hoffe, sie mit meiner Arbeit und dieser Mail/ Unterschriftunterstützen zu können.
Es würde mich sehrfreuen, wenn mein Name noch auf der Liste erscheinen könnte.
Vielen Dank fürihr Engagement,
mit herzlichen Grüßen,

我 希望以最明確的姿態,表達我全力支持廖亦武的呼籲,同時與李必豐一心一致同一陣綫。眼見這個政權如何壓迫言論自由,對反抗政權的各種個人藝術呈現,有系統 地壓制之餘,還蹂躪、破壞並搶奪這些文人藝術人的生活。特別是這些人讓我發自内心無比尊重,我希望能夠透過我的工作和這個郵件加入簽名以表達我對中國文人 藝術人的支持。

28.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 22:51
達鉤曼•古尤格Dragomán György——匈牙利小說家和翻譯Hungarian novelist and translator

I support the appeal.

29.聯署時間:3. Mai 2012 06:08
史 提凡•魯德米拉•未斯内Stefan Ludmilla Wieszner ——1964年出生在德國威廉斯哈芬。他是一位戲劇評論家,自由撰稿人和藝術總監。He was born in Wilhelmshaven, Germany in 1964. He works as a theatre critic, freelancejournalist and artistic director.

In particular Isupport and agree to the letter from Liao Yiwu concerning the case of LiBifeng.
No matter which authority sentenced a voice of freedom represented in a writerto jail while have to face the fact of a one worldwirde solidarity of protest,others and more and more and please even me including, and will have to realizethe impossibility of the atteinted victory.
The chinese authority  may think we as writers have dangerous visions
Because we are writers
We have dangerous visions because
There are dangerous visions – like the case of Liao Yiwu & Li Bifeng - tobe seen.
After BuffySainte–Marie (from Akwesasne Notes, autumn 1976)

危險的視野歷歷在目 – 如同廖亦武和李必豐的例子。
——來自加拿大女歌手巴菲聖 - 瑪麗(“Akwesasne Notes”雜誌 1976年秋季刊)

30.聯署時間:2. Mai 2012 23:40
古 尼拉•帕瑪斯提納•魏斯Gunilla Palmstierna-Weiss——(生於1928年3月28日瑞士洛桑,一個貴族男爵夫人)是一名瑞典的雕塑家,陶藝家,設計師和作家。(born 28 March 1928 in Lausanne, Switzerland, as Baroness GunillaPalmstierna) is a Swedish sculptor, ceramicist, designer and writer

As an answer toyour request if I can sign the protest
to what ishappening to Lo Bifeng.
I will protest anddo sign your list.

31.聯署時間:3. Mai 2012 12:07
卡門•波露薩Carmen Boullosa——(生於1954年9月4日墨西哥城)是墨西哥詩人界的佼佼者,也是小說家和劇作家
 Carmen Boullosa (b. September 4, 1954 in MexicoCity, Mexico) is a leading Mexican poet, novelist and playwright.

I support the appeal to support the charges built against Li Bifeng.

32.聯署時間:3. Mai 2012 13:55
格爾德•克南Gerd Koenen——(出生於1944年12月9日馬爾堡)是一名德國記者和自由業歷史學家。他主要領域在於二十世紀德俄關係以及共產主義的歷史。 (bornDecember 9, 1944 in Marburg an der Lahn) is a German journalist and freelancehistorian. His main field of the German-Russian relations in the 20th Centuryand the history of communism.

Wenn es noch geht,setzen Sie meinen Namen unter den Aufruf. Ich kam erst heute dazu, in meineMails zu schauen.
Wenn Sie einenBuchtitel nennen wollen, dann vielleicht "Das rote Jahrzehnt. Unserekleine deutsche Kulturrevolution 1967-1977".
Was mir spontanzur Geschichte von von LBF einfällt:
So vielglitzernder, neuer Reichtum in China – und so viel uralte, dumpfeUnterdrückung. Dass die neueste Form juristischer Willkür"Wirtschaftsvergehen" sind, zum Beispiel beim Einsatz für streikendeArbeiter, ist wahrhaftig ein grimmige Ironie der Geschichte. Und das alles imNamen einer "Kommunistischen Partei"!
Beste Grüße, Ihr
如果還來得及,請把我的名字加入這份呼籲函。直到今天我才有時間檢查郵件。李必豐這個故事,讓我直接聯想到一部可以匹配的書牘:“赤色十年,德國文化小革 命,1967-1977”。中國這麼多閃閃發光的新發財富 – 同時,這麼多古老,沉悶的壓迫。用“經濟犯罪”作爲法律算計老百姓的最新形式,譬如專門對付罷工工人,真正是一個嚴峻的歷史諷刺。而這一切發生在“共產 黨”的名下!最誠摯的問候!

The ilb calls for words to anotherpolitical lie from the Chinese government:

Freedomfor Li Bifeng
Chausseestraße 5
10115 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 - 27 87 86 50
Fax: + 49 (0)30 - 27 87 86 85



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